ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​Volume 5, No. 1, January 2020

Research Articles

On the significance of the Hahn-Banach theorem based on its historical background, formulation, implications, applications, and contributions
Amos Otieno Wanjara

Pages 1-6​​.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

Small and medium Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and its role in reducing unemployment in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Esmat Mohamed Abdel Moniem el sayed
Pages 7-24​​.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Effect of Slender-Wires Diameters Intelligent Helical Springs

Suresh Kumar, M. L. Aggarwal, Lakhwinder Singh
Pages 25-33​​.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Evaluation of Trypanocidal Efficacy of Starchetaphyta jamaicensis
E. J. Udo, M. M. Manyi, T. F. Ikpa, N. G. Imandeh
Pages 34-39​​.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)
